Interview Giorgio Boscheri
Here is the next interview of our many international EDEN ISS team members. Today’s interviewee is Giorgio Boscheri aerospace engineer at Thales Alenia Italia.
Giorgio Boscheri has a master degree in space engineering. He works for TAS Italia since 2008. He is involved in research and development of Advanced Life Support technologies for exploration and ISS exploitation, and in the ACLS water management system development. He is also technical responsible for food production systems research and development activities.
Paul: Welcome Giorgio. How does your daily work-life look like?
Giorgio: Hi Paul, my daily work life is really busy and full of surprises. Bioregenerative life support is fascinating and also extremely multidisciplinary, so you find yourself with a lot of interactions with persons of multiple scientific extractions. It is never boring and it keeps my mind running in parallel on multiple aspects.
Paul: What can you tell us about your work on EDEN ISS? What are you responsible for?
Giorgio: In the project I am responsible for the system engineering of the ISS rack-like plant growth facility, as well as for design of part of its subsystems. This activity is what I have looked for in the last years, a precious outcome of years of efforts in our research and development laboratory, the Recyclab.
Paul: Giorgio you hope to fly a rack-like plant growth facility to the International Space Station in the near future. How does EDEN ISS contribute to this effort?
Giorgio: EDEN ISS first of all, gives us the opportunity to do the not simple exercise of fitting plant cultivation components into a rack-size system. Thinking about real components and about components for challenging environments gives you a good feeling for an ISS system. EDEN ISS is also contributing a net of suppliers for technologies for plant cultivation in space (e.g. supplier who wants to develop very specific equipment for plant production in space).
Paul: What fascinates you about EDEN ISS?
Giorgio: The work on EDEN ISS is exciting. The team is competent and wide in geographical distribution and work/study background, the project is challenging and ambitious.
Paul: Imagine you are in a Martian Base and running a greenhouse. What kind of plants would you grow?
Giorgio: Lets’ forget about good sense! I want strawberries, cucumbers, carrots and apples!
Paul: Thank you for the interview, Giorgio!
Giorgio: Thank you Paul. It was a pleasure.