EDEN ISS — Ground Demonstration of Plant Cultivation Technologies for Safe Food Production in Space

Presenting EDEN ISS at the 45th ICES

Today, I presented our EDEN ISS project at the 45th International Conference on Environmental Systems (ICES) in Bellevue, Washington, for the very first time. The ICES is the main conference for research and development in the field of space life support systems. The conference is held annually and researchers and engineers from all over the world attend to hear the newest developments in life support systems.


Paul at 45th ICES (2)

It was already my 3rd time at ICES and it were very exciting and exhaustive five days. My presentation was on the last day. The room at the conference venue was filled with around 50 interested people. The presentation went smoothly. The questions and comments afterwards showed me again how important our research is and that EDEN ISS is an outstanding project. You can find the paper of the presentation in our publications section.

Paul at 45th ICES (1)

ICES is five days fully packed with presentations, networking events and interesting tours. This year we visited the Boeing facility in Renton. That is the place were all the 737 aircrafts are finally assembled. By chance I flew in one of them between Bremen and Frankfurt on my way to the conference! ICES is also always a great opportunity to meet like-minded people and to have interesting conversations and discussions. I met old friends and made new ones which I hope to see again next year at the 46th ICES in Vienna, Austria. I will be there!