Kick-off Meeting
Today, the official EDEN ISS kick-off meeting took place at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) Institute for Space Systems in Bremen, Germany. Representatives of all 13 project partners and the European Commission attended the meeting. The 43 participants discussed the project plan and celebrated the official project start.
After the welcoming speeches by Christos Ampatzis (EU Research Executive Agency), Oliver Romberg (DLR) and Daniel Schubert (DLR), the consortium partners introduced themselves and described their role in the project. A refreshing lunch was served in the entry hall of the institute’s new laboratory building.
The presentations and discussions after the lunch break were all about the project schedule, work plan and communication. The kick-off meeting was concluded by a presentation of Paul Zabel (DLR) explaining the next steps of the project.
The next project milestones are the Concurrent Engineering design study in September 2015 and the Critical Design Review in march 2016.
You can find more photos in our Kick-off meeting gallery.