Final EDEN ISS final review meeting
Between 21 and 23 May 2019 the final review meeting of the EDEN ISS project is scheduled to be held in Bremen at DLR. It will be the official termination of the project H2020 though EDEN ISS research in Antarctica has already been secured for the next two winters between 2019 and 2021.
The Final Review meeting will take place in the presence of the European Commission project officer, the external project reviewers and the 14 EDEN ISS partners.
The project came to a successful close with over 60 scientific publications, 40 participations to workshops and public events, many outreach and dissemination events and the SEED CAMPAIGN a competition involving students.
Image refers to the most recent developments of adapting the EDEN ISS greenhouse and its systems to future exploration outposts on moon and Mars.
credit: EDEN ISS Consortium, visualisation: LIQUIFER Systesm Group, 2019