This is a list of papers and articles which have been written during the project duration.
Bamsey, M.T., Zabel, P., Zeidler, C., Gyimesi, D., Schubert, D., Kohlberg, E., Mengedoht, D., Rae, J., Graham, T. (2015) Review of Antarctic greenhouses and plant production facilities: A historical account of food plants on the ice, 45th International Conference on Environmental Systems, ICES-2015-060.
Zabel, P., Bamsey, M., Zeidler, C., Vrakking, V., Johannes, B.-W., et al., “Introducing EDEN ISS – A European project on advancing plant cultivation technologies and operations,” 45th International Conference on Environmental Systems, 2015.
Bamsey, M.T., Zabel, P., Zeidler, C., Vrakking, V., Schubert, D., Kohlberg, E., Stasiak, M., Graham, T. (2016) Early trade-offs and top-level design drivers for Antarctic greenhouses and plant production facilities, 46th International Conference on Environmental Systems, ICES-2016-201.
Bamsey, M.T., Zabel, P., Schubert, D., Kohlberg, E., Mengedoht, D. (2016) EDEN ISS: Providing fresh food to overwintering Neumayer Station III crews and long duration missions, COMNAP Symposium 2016 ‘Wintering-over challenges’, Goa, India.
Boscheri, G., Guarnieri, V., Iacopini, C., Locantore, I., Lamantea, M., Lobascio, C., Schubert, D., “The EDEN ISS Rack-Like Plant Growth Facility”, 46th International Conference on Environmental Systems, Vienna, Austria, 10-14 July, 2016.
G. Boscheri , V. Guarnieri , I. Locantore , M. Lamantea , C. Lobascio , C. Iacopini, D. Schubert “The EDEN ISS Rack-Like Plant Growth Facility”, 46th International Conference in Environmental Systems, Vienna, Austria. 2016
Dong,C., Mohamad,M., Bamsey,M., Schubert, D.,”New modified aeroponic cultivation using ORBITEC system and species selection for the Antarctic greenhouse in DLR-EDEN team”, Agrospace Conference, Poster, Sperlonga, Italy, 26-27 May 2016
Dong,C., Mohamad, M., Bamsey, M., Morrow, B., Wetzel, J., Schubert, D., “New modified technologies for ORBITEC plant growth systems”,46th International Conference on Environmental Systems, Vienna, Austria, 10-14 July, 2016.
Dueck T, Kempkes F, Meinen E & Stanghellini C. 2016. Choosing crops for cultivation in space. Paper ICES-2016-206, 46th Intern. Conf. Envrion. Systems, July 10-14, Vienna, Austria. 8pp.
Graham, T. and Bamsey, M. Editor’s Note for the topical issue ‘Agriculture in Space’, Open Agriculture topical issue: Agriculture in Space, 2016 Vol. 1
Mauerer, M., Schubert, D., Zabel, P., Bamsey, M., Kohlberg, E.:”Survey on fresh fruit and vegetable preferences of former crew members of a space analogue environment” Open Agriculture – Topical Issue: Agriculture in Space, 2016
Mauerer, M.: Crop selection and horticultural management for greenhouse modules as an integrated part of human outposts on Mars, 2016, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Mohamad, A., Vrakking, V., Bamsey, M., Schubert, D. 3D Printed aeroponic tray nutrient delivery system for bio-regenerative life support systems. 6th International Conference on Environmental Systems, Vienna, Austria, 10-14 July, 2016.
Patel, C.: “Air and Water Considerations for the Integration of Extraplanetary Habitats and Greenhouses”, Agrospace Conference, Poster, Sperlonga, Italy, 26-27 May 2016
Patel, C.: “Gardeners of Galaxy: the Air and Water Considerations for the Integration of Extraplanetary Habitats and Greenhouses”, (2016), Master Thesis, University of Cincinnati
Santos, A., Bamsey, M., Infante, V.,Schubert, D., “A case study in the application of failure analysis techniques to Antarctic Systems: EDEN ISS”, 2nd IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering, Edinburgh, Scotland 4-5 October, 2016
Santos, A.: “Failure Analysis of EDEN ISS Antarctic Greenhouse Module with consideration of risk and space strategies with outlook to future space-based bioregenerative life support systems”, (2016), Master Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico de Lisboa
Schlacht, I. L., Foing, B., Bannova, O., Blok, F., Mangeot, A., Nebergall, K., Ono, A., and Schubert, D. (2016) Existing and new proposals of Space analog, off-grid and sustainable habitats with Space applications, 46th International Conference on Environmental Systems, ICES-2016-367.
Schlacht, I., Bernini, J., Schubert, D., Zabel, P., Montanari, C., Ceppi, G., Imhof, B., Waclavicek, R., Foing, B.: “EDEN ISS: HUMAN FACTORS AND SUSTAINABILITY FOR SPACE AND EARTH ANALOGUE”, 67rd International Astronautical Congress, Guadalajara, Mexico, 26-30 September, 2016.
D. Schubert et al. White Paper: The Space Agriculture Endeavour, Open Agriculture topical issue: Agriculture in Space, 2016 Vol. 1
Zabel, P., Bamsey, M., Schubert, D., Tajmar, M., “Review and analysis of over 40 years of space plant growth systems”, Life Sciences in Space Research, Vol. 10, pp.1-16. 2016
Zabel, P., Bamsey, M., Zeidler, C., Vrakking, V., Schubert, D., Romberg, O., Boscheri, G., Dueck, T. “The preliminary design of the EDEN ISS Mobile Test Facility – An Antarctic greenhouse”, 46th International Conference on Environmental Systems, Vienna, Austria, 10-14 July, 2016
Zabel, P.”Bioregenerative Lebenserhaltungssysteme für zukünftige bemannte Missionen”, Vorlesung Interplanetare Raumfahrtmissionen,TU Dresden, 09.06.2016.
Zabel, P, Bamsey M, Zeidler C, Vrakking V, Schubert D, Romberg O, Boscheri G & Dueck T. 2016. The preliminary design of the EDEN ISS mobile test facility – an Antarctic greenhouse. Paper ICES-2016-206, 46th Intern. Conf. Envrion. Systems, July 10-14, Vienna, Austria. 20pp.
Zeidler, C.: Vertical Farming Project, 8. Mitteleuropäischer Wohnwirtschaftlicher Workshop “Wissenschaft und Wohnungswirtschaft – partnerschaftlich in die Zukunft” 23.11.2016 2017
Katrin Birgy: “Storage management and post-harvest considerations of greenhouse systems for planetary habitats”, Bachelor thesis, University of Bremen, Fachbereich 4: Produktionsmanagement, 2017
Dominik von Borell du Vernay: “Analysis of phased implementation strategies of life support systems in a Moon base”, Diplom-Thesis, TU Dresden, Institut für Luft- und Raumfahrtsysteme, 2017
Boscheri, G., Volponi, M., Lamantea, M., Lobascio, C., Schubert, D., Zabel, P., (2017) Main performance results of the EDEN ISS rack-like plant growth facility. 47th International Conference on Environmental Systems, 16-20 July 2017, Charleston, South Carolina.
Boscheri, G., Guarnieri, V., Chirico, S., Zabel, P., Lasseur, C., (2017) SCALISS: A European tool for automated SCAling of LIfe Support Systems. 47th International Conference on Environmental Systems, 16-20 July 2017, Charleston, South Carolina.
G. Boscheri, G. Marchitelli, M. Volponi, P. Zabel, “Status of the EDEN ISS Rack-like food production unit after five months in Antarctica”, 48th International Conference in Environmental Systems, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
G. Boscheri , M. Volponi , M. Lamantea, C. Lobascio, D. Schubert, P. Zabel, “Main performance results of the EDEN ISS Rack-Like Plant Growth Facility”, 47th International Conference in Environmental Systems, Charleston, South Carolina. 2017
Dixon, M., Stasiak M., Zheng, Y., Grodzinski, B. , Development of Ion-selective optrodes for interplanetary food production and water sampling. Kiselchuk, C. 33rd ASGSR Annual Meeting, Seattle Washington. October 28th, 2017. Controlled Environment Systems Research Facility. NCERA-101 2017 Station Report. 2017 NCERA-101 Annual Meeting, Monterey, CA. April 9-12, 2017.
Dixon, M., Thompson, C., Stasiak, M., Ion Selective optical sensors for biological life support systems. American Society for Gravitational and Space Research. October 25th-28th, 2017.
Dixon, M. , Space Exploration: A source of technology transfer in the terrestrial agri-food sector. Royal Astronautical Society of Canada. November 16th, 2017
Ferl, R., Paul, A.-L., Callaham, J., Beisel, N, Taylor, D., Bamsey, M., Zeidler, C., Schubert, D. “Spectral Imaging within EDEN ISS for Plant Health and Productivity Assessment”, ASGSR, Seattle, USA, Oct 25-28, 2017
Graamans, L.; van den Dobbelsteen, A.; Meinen, E.; Stanghellini, C., 2017. Plant factories; crop transpiration and energy balance. Agricultural Systems, 153: 138-147.
Graamans, L. ; Baeza, E. ; van den Dobbelsteen, A.; Tsafaras, I.; Stanghellini, C., 2018. Plant factories versus greenhouses: Comparison of resource use efficiency. Agricultural Systems 160: 31-43.
Montero, J.I. ; Baeza Romero, E. ; Heuvelink, E. ; Rieradevall, J. ; Muñoz, P. ; Ercilla, M. ; Stanghellini, C., 2017. Productivity of a building-integrated roof top greenhouse in a Mediterranean climate Agricultural Systems 158: 14-22.
Kiselchuk, C., Dixon, M., Thompson, C., Stasiak, M., Bamsey, M., Schubert, S. “Development of Ion-Selective Optrodes for Interplanetary Food Production and Water Sampling”, ASGSR, Seattle, USA, Oct 25-28, 2017.
Schubert, D.: “Greenhouse production analysis of early mission scenarios for Moon and Mars habitats” Open Agriculture – Topical Issue: Agriculture in Space, 2(1): 91-115, 2017
Vrakking, V., Bamsey, M., Zeidler, C., Zabel, P., Schubert, D., Romberg, O., “Service Section Design of the EDEN ISS Project”, 47th International Conference on Environmental Systems, Charleston, South Carolina, USA, 16-20 July, 2017.
Zabel, P., Bamsey, M., Zeidler, C., Vrakking, V., Schubert, D., Romberg, O., “Future Exploration Greenhouse Design of the EDEN ISS Project”, 47th International Conference on Environmental Systems, Charleston, South Carolina, USA, 16-20 July, 2017.
Zeidler, C, Vrakking, V., Bamsey, M., Poulet, L., Zabel, P., Schubert, D., Paille C., Mazzoleni, E., Domurath, N. “Greenhouse Module for Space Systems: A Lunar Greenhouse Design”, Open Agriculture – Topical Issue: Agriculture in Space, 2(1): 116-132, 2017
Zeidler, C., Bamsey, M., Vrakking, V., Zabel, P., Schubert, D., Romberg, O.: “The EDEN ISS Antarctic Greenhouse Project – Final Design and Outcome of the Assembly, Integration and Testing Phase”, IAC, Adelaide, Australia, 25-29 September, 2017.
G. Boscheri, G. Marchitelli, M. Volponi, P. Zabel, “Status of the EDEN ISS Rack-like food production unit after five months in Antarctica”, 48th International Conference on Environmental Systems, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, 8-12 July, 2018.
Dixon, M., The latest space exploration life support technolgoy is perfect for cannabis production. Beacon Medical ~ VIVO Cannabis Inc. September 25-26, 2018
Dixon, M., The latest space exploration life support technology finds applications in cannabis produciton. CannX The 3rd International Medical Cannabis Conference. Tel-Aviv. October 14-16, 2018 | BEACON Medical. The latest space exploration life support technology is perfect for cannabis production. Dixon, M. September 24th, 2018
Dixon, M., Stasiak, M., Zheng, Y., Grodzinksi, B. , Controlled Environment Systems Research Facility. NCERA-101 2018 Station Report. 2018 NCERA-101 Annual Meeting, Raleigh, NC. April 15-18, 2018
Dixon, M., Standardizing profiles of medical compounds in cannabis using space exploration technology. O’Cannabis Conference & Expo. Vancouver, BC. December 9-11, 2018
Victor Garcia Tapia: ‘Hybrid Renewable Energy System for Controlled Environment Agriculture’, Master Thesis, KTH, School of Industrial Engineering and Management (ITM), Energy Technology, 2018
Imhof B., Schlacht I.L., Waclavicek R., Schubert D., Zeidler C., Hoheneder W., Davenport R., Hogle M., EDEN ISS – from a simulation testbed to an advanced exploration design concept for a greenhouse for moon and Mars, 69th, International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Bremen, Germany, 1-5 October 2018.
S. Jahnke, V. Maiwald, V. Vrakking, C. Philpot, D. Quantius, O.Romberg, Orbital Hub: A concept for human spaceflight beyond ISS operations, CEAS Space Journal, Vol. 10, Issue 3, pp. 355-379, 2018
Esther Meinen, Tom Dueck, Frank Kempkes, Cecilia Stanghellini, 2018. Growing fresh food on future space missions: Environmental conditions and crop management. Scientia Horticulturae, 235: 270-278
Mohammed Monis Khaleel: ‘Development of an atmosphere management system for greenhouses in arid regions’, Master Thesis, Technische Universität Berlin, Department of Energy Engineering, 2018
D. Schubert, M. Bamsey, P. Zabel, C. Zeidler, V. Vrakking, “Status of the EDEN ISS Greenhouse after on-site installation in Antarctica”, 48th International Conference on Environmental Systems, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, 8-12 July, 2018.
D. Schubert, C. Zeidler , M. Bamsey, V. Vrakking, P. Zabel, E. Kohlberg, G. Boscheri: “The EDEN ISS Antactic Greenhouse Project – 9 Month Mission Status after Deployment in Anatctica”, SPACE LIFE SCIENCES SYMPOSIUM, International Astronautical Concress (IAC), Bremen (Germany), 2018
D. Schubert: “System Analysis of Plant Production in Greenhouse Modules as an Integrated Part of Planetary Habitats”, PHD-thesis; University of Bremen, FB 4: Produktionsmanagment, 2018.
G. Boscheri , and G. Marchitelli , C. Lobascio , A. Saverino, P. Zabel, “EDEN ISS Rack-like food production unit: results after mission in Antarctica”, 49th International Conference in Environmental Systems, Boston, Massachusetts. 2018
Battistelli A. 2018 Sulla Luna, mangiando piante. Airpress. Mensile sulle politiche per l’aerospazio e la difesa n.89 – maggio 2018; Battistelli A. 2018 Dallo spazio al piatto Un ciclo virtuoso per l’uomo e per l’ambiente. In: ALMA Next generation chef 90 prospettive per i professionisti dell’ospitalità. Academia Universa Press Edizioni Plan Loreto Italy. ISBN: 978-88-6444-150-4. Pp 205-207.
Fahrion J., Fink C., Panitz C., Rabbow E., Schubert D., Zabel P., Beblo-Vranesevic K., Rettberg P., Microbial dynamics in the confined EDEN-ISS greenhouse in Antarctica. 70th, International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Washington, D.C., USA, 21 – 25 October 2019.
Imhof, B., “Greenhouse Design Concepts for Moon and Mars”, A1.7. Life Support, habitats and EVA Systems, IAC-19,A1,7,5,x51095, 70th, International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Washington, D.C., USA, 21 – 25 October 2019